How your thoughts and emotions influence your health

Thanks Mary! Excellent to know and remember!

plant-based for health

Example of Human Energy Field from "Hands of Light" by Barbara Ann Brennan Example of Human Energy Field from “Hands of Light” by Barbara Ann Brennan

Everything is energy.

This is a simple statement with profound implications. Everything in the universe is made up of atoms and molecules, contains information and vibrates at a certain frequency. But most of us go about our daily lives not really thinking about the fact they we are energetic beings with a human energy field (EF) surrounding us. After all, we feel solid. We have bones, muscles, organs, glands and blood flowing through our arteries and veins. But we are 100% energy – just like animals, plants, rocks, mountains, buildings, and books. Even your thoughts and emotions are a form of energy. Positive emotions like love and joy have a high vibration and negative emotions like fear, guilt, anger and self-doubt have a low vibration.

Why is this important to know?
Energy flows and attracts and is…

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